Karate & the Ecological Approach w/ Les Bubka
Les Bubka from season 2 invited me on his podcast to talk the ecological approach for traditional martial arts!
Les Bubka of practical karate fame had me on his podcast to discuss the ecological approach to karate and traditional martial arts.
I interviewed Les several years ago in the early days of CLP on a curriculum structure I found interesting.
Since then, Les has taken an interest in the ecological approach for his own martial arts practice and karate program design—and he’s changing a lot as a result!
Here, Les has me on to ask his burning questions about the quagmire known as the ecological approach and clear up misconceptions.
Topics covered:
What is the ecological approach?
Representative learning design and aliveness
Transfer of learning (including examples involving TKD/karate)
Newell’s theory of constraints and how we develop movement skills
How to start testing the ecological approach yourself, gradually
Give it a listen!
Missed the original discussion we had way back when? We’ve both changed a lot since then, but the conversation is interesting and instructive nonetheless.
If you’re interested in some of my high level assessments and critiques of the practical/bunkai-focused karate movement, check these out, too.
And don’t forget some concrete examples of how to do CLA with karate and TKD: